Synopsis: Set in the 1930's, an assassination plot takes place. The assassination plot is intended to take out a pro-Japanese group. Assassins and agents from the Korean interim government gather together. Sniper An Ok-Yoon is the leader of the assassin group. She takes on this mission due to her strong desire to see Korea's independence. Yeom Seok-Jin is an agent from the interim government. He plans out the assassination and gives orders to An Ok-Yoon's group.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Synopsis: Set in the 1930's, an assassination plot takes place. The assassination plot is intended to take out a pro-Japanese group. Assassins and agents from the Korean interim government gather together. Sniper An Ok-Yoon is the leader of the assassin group. She takes on this mission due to her strong desire to see Korea's independence. Yeom Seok-Jin is an agent from the interim government. He plans out the assassination and gives orders to An Ok-Yoon's group.
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