Synopsis: A group of counsellors at a summer camp gather around and one of them tells the story of Madman Marz, a farmer from roundabout these parts who one night butchered his wife and kids and disappeared into the woods never to be seen again. Rumour has it that if you say Mr Marz's name out loud, then he will come and get you. So that's exactly what one bright spark does, and sure enough, the young things soon have an axe-wielding maniac on their hands.
Monday, 18 May 2015
Synopsis: A group of counsellors at a summer camp gather around and one of them tells the story of Madman Marz, a farmer from roundabout these parts who one night butchered his wife and kids and disappeared into the woods never to be seen again. Rumour has it that if you say Mr Marz's name out loud, then he will come and get you. So that's exactly what one bright spark does, and sure enough, the young things soon have an axe-wielding maniac on their hands.
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