Synopsis: Set in Brighton, the film follows British call girl Blue (Leila Mimmack) to an old Victorian house where she meets up with her client Bill (Joseph Beattie), who is currently renovating the building. Apparently not interested in sex, Bill shows Blue around the house and reveals that it was once the location of a brothel with a dark past. Stumbling upon an old Mutoscope showing homemade snuff films depicting violent murders, Bill and Blue attempt to uncover the mystery of the hooded figure committing the crimes...
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Synopsis: Set in Brighton, the film follows British call girl Blue (Leila Mimmack) to an old Victorian house where she meets up with her client Bill (Joseph Beattie), who is currently renovating the building. Apparently not interested in sex, Bill shows Blue around the house and reveals that it was once the location of a brothel with a dark past. Stumbling upon an old Mutoscope showing homemade snuff films depicting violent murders, Bill and Blue attempt to uncover the mystery of the hooded figure committing the crimes...
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